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Since last year, our school has been collaborating with the Cives Foundation in the project BEST (Build European Solidarity Today): Let's Replay the Fraternity Card in Europe!

BEST is a project implemented in France, Spain, Poland, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia within the Erasmus+ programme. It was originally designed in 2002 in France by the Ligue de l'enseignement and has been implemented every year since then in France as an educational response to growing negative social trends, including racism and exclusion. The project emphasises the importance of the coexistence of different ideas, religions, races, status groups, etc., through a simple activity, aimed at students in schools and other formal and non-formal educational settings.

Students have been trained in critical thinking and photo analysis before writing their solidarity messages. With their teachers, they discussed topics such as racism and discrimination, social inequalities, climate change, mental health, solidarity and migration, and gender equality.

Their messages of solidarity were sent by postcards to people in old people's homes. Finally, after reading the message received, the postcard itself invited people to share their reflections by sending their response free of charge, which was sent back to the students during the last academic year.

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