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ast February, a group of ten 4th-grade ESO students and two geography and history teachers, Nacho and Cristina, embarked on an unforgettable educational experience on the beautiful island of Sardinia. Their mission: to collaborate on a joint project with Italian students from Liceo Pitagora and the Guadarrama Institute in Madrid on the fascinating Kingdom of Aragon.

During an intense week, these young students immersed themselves in a journey through time, exploring the cultural, gastronomic, and historical similarities and differences between Spain and Italy, specifically in relation to the Kingdom of Aragon. From ancient fortresses to culinary traditions, every aspect of daily life became a source of learning and discovery.

A fundamental part of this experience was staying with Italian families. This unique opportunity not only allowed the students to fully immerse themselves in the local culture but also fostered a deep and lasting connection between students from both countries. Sharing meals, traditions, and everyday moments, they forged bonds that will transcend borders and endure far beyond this week of mobility.

The highlight of the project was collaboration in mixed groups to analyze and present the similarities and differences found in their research on the Kingdom of Aragon. From architecture to gastronomy, students worked together to better understand how history has shaped and connected our cultures over the centuries.

At the end of the week, our students returned home with a new appreciation for cultural diversity, a greater understanding of the shared history between Spain and Italy, and memories they will cherish for a lifetime.

A group of eight first-year high school students, full of enthusiasm and curiosity, embarked on an educational adventure that took them to the sunny shores of Sardinia, Italy.

For six weeks, these young explorers fully immersed themselves in Italian culture, staying with local families and attending classes at the prestigious Liceo Pitágora in Cagliari. From the moment they set foot on Italian soil, they were greeted with warm hugs and the characteristic hospitality of the people of Sardinia.

Living with Italian families not only allowed them to perfect their Italian but also provided them with an authentic insight into daily life in Cagliari. From sharing homemade meals to participating in local traditions, each day offered them new opportunities to immerse themselves in the rich Sardinian culture.

But the true gem of this experience was the opportunity to attend classes at Liceo Pitágora. Here, our students not only expanded their academic knowledge but also immersed themselves in an international and stimulating educational environment. From debating in Italian to collaborating on intercultural projects, each day in the classroom offered them new perspectives and exciting challenges.

At the end of the six weeks, our students returned home with hearts full of unforgettable memories and minds full of new ideas and perspectives. The long-term mobility to Cagliari was not only an educational experience but also a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In summary, the mobility of first-year high school to Cagliari was much more than a school trip: it was an experience that changed lives and left an indelible impression on all who participated.

Last October, Toledo became the epicenter of educational innovation with the long-awaited Erasmus+ Days 2023-2024. This event brought together educators from across Spain in an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual learning.

The sessions offered a diverse range of workshops, conferences, and roundtable discussions, addressing a wide array of topics related to international education. From practical sessions on project proposal development to inspiring talks on the benefits of cultural exchange, Laura and Melchor immersed themselves in a world of educational possibilities.

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity to interact with colleagues from different communities and share experiences and best practices. For Laura and Melchor, the Erasmus+ Days in Toledo not only represented a professional growth opportunity but also served as a reminder of the transformative power of international education.

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